Developing applications with the AngularJs will provide modular MVC layered applications in the front-end web development environment. AngularJs does so much for us when communicating with the DOM elements.
Concepts that drivenby AngularJs
Dependency Injection
Extendable with Directives
Separating your concerns with MVC
Html structure of AngularJs
<html ng-app="">
<head> <head>
<script src="angular.js" script>
ng-app is AngularJs directive,which tells this particular section of html will be controlled by the angularJs.We could also put it in the any of the HTML tags.This is the initial point which will initiate the AngularJs.
ng-model & ng-bind
<body ng-app>
<input type="text" ng-model="name">
<span ng-bind="name"> <span></body>
Usually we will use ng-model directive with the input tags,used to access the entered input text and to store the value in the variable which is assigned to the ng-model directive.In the other words we are telling the angularJs to store the value of input field with the variable name called "name"
ng-bind is used to bind the application data variable "name" to the specified output field.we can also use {{ }} to bind the application data to the html tags. In the above Ex:2 what ever the data entered in the input text field will automatically bind to the html element with the specified variable this with out single line of javascript code and event listeners we are achieving the two way data binding.